Ecce advénit Dominátor Dóminus: et regnum in manu ejus et potéstas et impérium. [Mal. 3:1]
Ps. Deus, judícium tuum Regi da: et justítiam tuam Fílio Regis. [Psalm 71:2]
Gloria Patri …
Ecce advénit …
[Is. 60:1-6] Surge, illumináre, Jerúsalem: quia venit lumen tuum, et glória Dómini super te orta est. Quia ecce ténebræ opérient terram, et calígo pópulos: super te autem oriétur Dóminus, et glória ejus in te vidébitur. Et ambulábunt gentes in lúmine tuo, et reges in splendóre ortus tui. Leva in circúitu óculos tuos, et vide: omnes isti congregáti sunt, venérunt tibi: fílii tui de longe vénient, et fíliæ tuæ de látere surgent. Tunc vidébis et áfflues, mirábitur et dilatábitur cor tuum, quando convérsa fúerit ad te multitúdo maris, fortitúdo géntium vénient tibi. Inundátio camelórum opériet te, dromedárii Mádian et Epha: omnes de Saba vénient, aurum et thus deferéntes, et laudem Dómino annuntiántes.
Omnes de Saba vénient, aurum et thus deferéntes, et laudem Dómino annuntiántes.
V. Surge, illumináre, Jerúsalem: quia glória Dómini super te orta est. [Is. 60:6,1]
All they from Saba shall come, bringing gold and frankincense and showing forth praise to the Lord.
V. The Lord hath made known His salvation: He hath revealed His justice in the sight of the nations.[Is. 60:6,1]
Allelúia, allelúia.
V. Vídimus stellam ejus in Oríente, et vénimus cum munéribus adoráre Dóminum. [Saint Matthew 2:2]
Alleluia, alleluia.
V. We have seen His star in the East, and are come with gifts to adore the Lord. [Saint Matthew 2:2]
[Saint Matthew 2:1-12] Cum natus esset Jesus in Béthlehem Juda in diébus Heródis regis, ecce Magi ab Oriénte venérunt Jerosólymam, dicéntes: Ubi est qui natus est rex Judæórum? Vídimus enim stellaum ejus in Oriénte, et vénimus adoráre eum. Audiens autem Heródes rex, turbátus est, et omnes Jerosólyma cum illo. Et cóngregans omnes príncipes sacerdótum, et scribas pópuli, sciscitabátur ab eis, ubi Christus nascerétur. At illi dixérunt ei: In Béthlehem Judæ. Sic enim scriptum est per Prophétam: Et tu Béthlehem terra Juda, nequáquam mínima es in princípibus Juda: ex te enim éxiet dux, qui regat pópulum meum Israël. Tunc Heródes, clam vocátis Magis, diligénter dídicit ab eis tempus stellæ, quæ appáruit eis: et mittens illos in Béthlehem, dixit: Ite, et interrogate diligénter de púero: et cum invenéritis, renuntiáte mihi, ut et ego véniens adórem eum. Qui cum audíssent regem, abiérunt. Et ecce stella, quam víderant in Oriénte, antecedébat eos, usque dum véniens, staret supra, ubi erat puer. Vidéntes autem stellam, gavísi sunt gáudio magno valde. Et intrántes domum, invenérunt púerum cum María matre ejus, [here genuflect] et procidéntes adoravérunt eum. Et apértis thesáuris suis obtulérunt ei múnera, aurum, thus et myrrham. Et respónso accépto in somnis, ne redírent ad Heródem, per áliam viam revérsi sunt in regiónem suam.
[Saint Matthew 2:1-12] When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Juda in the days of King Herod, behold there came wise men from the East to Jerusalem, saying: Where is He that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East, and are come to adore Him. And king Herod hearing this was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. And assembling together all the chief priests and the scribes of the people, he inquired of them where Christ should be born. But they said to him: In Bethlehem of Juda. For so it is written by the Prophet: And thou Bethlehem, the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come forth the Captain that shall rule My people Israel. Then Herod, privately calling the wise men, learned diligently of them the time of the star which appeared to them: and sending them into Bethlehem, said: Go and diligently inquire after the Child, and when you have found Him, bring me word again, that I also may come and adore Him. Who having heard the king went their way. And behold the star, which they had seen in the East, went before them until it came and stood over where the Child was. And seeing the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And entering into the house, they found the Child with Mary His mother, [here genuflect] and falling down they adored Him. And opening their treasures, they offered Him gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having received an answer in sleep that they should not return to Herod, they went back another way into their country.
Reges Tharsis, et ínsulæ múnera ófferent: reges Arabum et Saba dona addúcent: et adorábunt eum omnes reges terræ: omnes gentes sérvient ei. [Psalm 71:10,11]
The kings of Tharsis and the islands shall offer presents: the kings of the Arabians and of Saba shall bring gifts: and all kings of the earth shall adore Him: all nations shall serve Him. [Psalm 71:10,11]
Vídimus stellam ejus in Oriénte, et vénimus cum munéribus adoráre Dóminum. [Saint Matthew 2:2]
We have seen His star in the East, and are come with gifts to adore the Lord.
Liturgical Music
Official texts
- Introit:
- Ecce advénit dominátor Dóminus [Graduale Romanum p.57]
- Ecce advénit dominátor Dóminus [Gregorian Missall p.217]
- Ecce advénit dominátor Dóminus (chant)
- Ecce advénit dominátor Dóminus by William Byrd
- Gradual:
- Omnes de Sába vénient [Graduale Romanum p.57-58]
- Omnes de Sába vénient [Gregorian Missal p.218]
- Omnes de Sába vénient (chant)
- [Omnes de Sába vénient by various composers
- Alleluia:
- Vídimus stéllam [Graduale Romanum p.58]
- Vídimus stéllam [Gregorian Missal p.219]
- Vídimus stéllam (chant)
- Vídimus stéllam by various composers
- Offertory:
- Reges Thársis et ínsulae [Graduale Romanum p.59]
- Reges Thársis et ínsulae [Gregorian Missal p.219-220]
- Reges Thársis et ínsulae (chant)
- Reges Th´rsis et ínsulae by various composers
- Communion:
- Vidimus stéllam [Graduale Romanump.59]
- Vidimus stéllam [Gregorian Missal p.221]
- Vidimus stéllam (chant)
- Vidimus stellam by various composers
- Mass settings:
- Mass VIII "De Angelis" [Graduale Romanum, p.28-31 in back of book]
- Mass II "Kyrie fons bonitatis" [Graduale Romanum, p.8-11 in back of book]
- Mass IV "Cunctipotens Genitor Deus" [Graduale Romanum, p.15-18 in back of book]
Other liturgical music
- Asperges me Graduale Romanum, p.707
- Asperges me Corpus Christi Watershed
- A Child Is Born in Bethlehem (Various)
- As with Gladness Men of Old (AH #353, CBW #478) Kocher and Mendelsohn
- Brighest and Best of the Stars /Suns/ Sons of the Morning (Various)
- Earth Has Many a Noble City (Christian Friedrich Witt)
- Hail to the Lord's Anointed (Monk, Buck)
- The First Noel (AH #327, CBW #460) Traditional
- We Three Kings of Orient Are (AH #350) John Henry Hopkins
- What Star Is This? (CBW #477)
- AH = The Adoremus Hymnal, Ignatius Press
- CBW = Catholic Book of Worship II / Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
Choral Music
- Omnes de Saba ( Various )
- Arise, Shine, O Zion (Maurice Greene)
- Blessed Be the Lord (Various)
- Cum natus esset Jesus (Various)
- Gaudete omnes (Jan Pieters Sweelinck, Hieronymous Praetorius )
- Hodie Christus natus est (Plethera of various )
- Magi veniunt ab oriente Various:
- Michael des Buissons SATTB
- Balduin Hoyoul SSATTB
- Jean Larchier ATTB
- Francesco Lupino ATTB
- Jacobus Clemens non Papa (with pendant) SATB
- O magnum mysterium (Various including :Giovanni Gabrieli, Tomás Luis de Victoria)
- O Splendor of God's Glory Bright (Michael Praetorius)
- O'er the Hill and O'er the Vale (Anonymous)
- Offertorien für Weihnacht und Epiphanias (Max Filke)
- Orietur stella (Jacob Handl, Giovanni Pierluigi Palestrina)
- Quem pastores laudavere (Various: Fabio Fresi, Manfred Hößl, Carl Loewe, Michael Praetorius, Traditional and Michael Praetorius a 4 with children)
- Salve puerule (M.A. Charpentier)
- Singet dem Herren (Various Including: Dietrich Buxtehude, Melchior Francke, Johann Pachelbel)
- We Have Seen His Star (Petrich, Simper)
- Videntes stellam (Various)
The Latin texts are from the Missale Romanum (1962).
English translations are from the Roman Catholic Daily Missal (1962).
Psalm numbering is according to the Latin Vulgate Bible.
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