Entrance Antiphon [Introit]:
You are merciful to all, O Lord and despise nothing that you have made.
You overlook people's sins, to bring them to repentance,and you spare them, for you are the Lord our God. See Wisdom 11:24-25,27 [Roman Missal]
Miseris omnium, Domine, et nihil odisti eorum quæ fecisti, dissimulans peccata hominum propter pænitentiam, et parcens illis: quia tu es Dominus Deus noster.
Ps. Miserere mei Deus, miserere mei: quoniam in te confidit anima mea. [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.62]
Miseris omnium, Domine, et nihil odisti eorum quæ fecisti, dissimulans peccata hominum propter pænitentiam, et parcens illis: quia tu es Dominus Deus noster.
Ps. Miserere mei Deus, miserere mei: quoniam in te confidit anima mea. [Gregorian Missal, p.229]
Miserere mei, Deus, miserere mei. [Graduale simplex 2007, p.82]
Verses of Psalm 57 can also be sung between repetitions of the antiphon.
Readings from the Lectionary:
- First Reading: Joel 2:12-18
- Rend your hearts and not your clothing
- After the First Reading
- Gradual: Ps. 56, 2. V. 4
- Miserere mei Deus, miserere mei: quoniam in te confidit anima mea. V. Misit de caelo et liberavit me: dedit in opprobrium conculcantes me.
- Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 51:12, 34, 10-11, 12+15 (1a+4a)
- R. Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned.
- Second Reading: II Corinthians 5:20 - 6:2
- Be reconciled to God, for now is the acceptable time.
- Before the Gospel:
- Tractus: Ps. 102, 10 et 78, 8 et 9
- Domine non secondum peccata nostra, quae fecimus nos; neque secondum iniquitates nostras retribuas nobis V. Domine, ne nemineris iniquitatum nostrum antiquarum: citu anticipent nos misericordiae tuae, quia pauperes factus sumus nimis. V. Adiuva nos, Deus salutaris noster; et propter gloriam noministui, Domine, libera nos: et propitius esto peccatis nostris, propter nomen tuam.
- Gospel Acclamation: Ps 95:8
- If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.
- Gospel: Matthew 6:1-6,16-18
- Your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you.
Antiphons during Distribution of Ashes:
Let us change our garments to sackcloth and ashes, let us fast and weep before the Lord,
that our God, rich in mercy, might forgive us our sins. [Roman Missal]
— or —
Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, stand up between the porch and the altar and weep and cry out: Spare, O Lord, spare your people; do not close the mouths of those who sing your praise, O Lord. See Joel 2:17; Esther 4:17 [Roman Missal]
— or —
Blot out my transgressions, O Lord. Psalm 51:3 [Roman Missal]
These may be repeated after each verse of Psalm 51.
— or —
Resp Let us correct our faults which we have committed in ignorance, let us not be taken unawares by the day of our death, looking in vain for leisure to repent.
Hear us, O Lord, and show us your mercy, for we have sinned against you.
Vs Help us, O God our Savior; for the sake of your name, O Lord, set us free.
Hear us, O Lord…
Immutemur habitu, in cinere et cilicio: ieiunemus, et ploremus ante Dominum: quia multum misericors est dimittere peccata nostra Deus noster. See Joel 2:13 [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.65]
— or —
Iuxta vestibulum et altare plorabunt sacerdotes et levitæ ministri Domini, et dicent: Parce Domine, parce populo tuo: et ne dissipes pra calmantium ad te, Domine. See Joel 2:17; Esther 13:17 [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.65]
— or —
Emendemus in melius, quæ ignoranter peccavimus: ne subito praeoccupati die mortis, quæramus spatium paenitentiae, et invenire non possimus.
Ps. Adiuva nos, Deus salutaris noster: et propter honorem nominis tui, Domine, libera nos. See Baruch 3:2; Ps 79:9 [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.66]
Immutemur habitu, in cinere et cilicio: ieiunemus, et ploremus ante Dominum: quia multum misericors est dimittere peccata nostra Deus noster. See Joel 2:13 [Gregorian Missal, p.234]
— or —
Iuxta vestibulum et altare plorabunt sacerdotes et levitæ ministri Domini, et dicent: Parce Domine, parce populo tuo: et ne dissipes pra calmantium ad te, Domine. See Joel 2:17; Esther 13:17[Gregorian Missal, p.234]
— or —
Emendemus in melius, quæ ignoranter peccavimus: ne subito præoccupati die mortis, quæramus spatium paenitentiæ, et invenire non possimus.
Ps. Adiuva nos, Deus salutaris noster: et propter honorem nominis tui, Domine, libera nos. See Baruch 3:2; Ps 79:9 [Gregorian Missal, p.235]
— or —
Dele, Domine, iniquitatem meam. [Graduale simplex 2007, p.86]
Verses of Psalm 51 can also be sung between repetitions of the antiphon.
Offertory Antiphon:
I will extol you, O Lord, for you drawn me up and did not let my foes rejoice over me. O Lord, my God, I cried out to you and you healed me. Psalm 30:2-3 **
Verses of Psalm 30 can also be sung between repetitions of the antiphon.
Exaltabo te Domine, quoniam suscepisti me, nec delectasti inimicos meos super me: Domine clamavi ad te, et sanasti me. [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.313]
Exaltabo te Domine, quoniam suscepisti me, nec delectasti inimicos meos super me: Domine clamavi ad te, et sanasti me. [Gregorian Missal, p.236]
Factus est adiutor meus Deus meus. [Graduale simplex 2007, p.88]
Verses of Psalm 30 can also be sung between repetitions of the antiphon.
Communion Antiphon:
He who ponders the law of the Lord day and night
will yield fruit in due season. See Psalm 1:2-3 [Roman Missal]
Qui meditabitur in lege Domini die ac nocte, dabit fructum suum in tempore suo. Psalm 1:2-3 [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.67]
Psalm 1:1,2,3ab,3cd,4,5,6 can also be sung between repetitions of this antiphon.
Qui meditabitur in lege Domini die ac nocte, dabit fructum suum in tempore suo. Psalm 1:2-3 [Gregorian Missal, p.237]
Da nobis, Domine, auxilium de tribulatione. [Graduale simplex 2007, p.88]
Verses of Psalm 60 can also be sung between repetitions of this antiphon.
** An official, approved English translation of the Offertory Antiphon has never been published. The translation here is from the New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition. ( As approved for use in Canada.)
The English translation of the Entrance Antiphon [Introit], Collect, Psalm Refrain, Gospel Verse, Prayer over the Offerings, Preface, Communion Antiphon, Prayer after Communion, and Prayer over the People from The Roman Missal, © Copyright 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corp. All rights reserved.
** An official, approved English translation of the Offertory Antiphon has never been published. The translation here is from the New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition. ( As approved for use in Canada.)
The English translation of the Entrance Antiphon [Introit], Collect, Psalm Refrain, Gospel Verse, Prayer over the Offerings, Preface, Communion Antiphon, Prayer after Communion, and Prayer over the People from The Roman Missal, © Copyright 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corp. All rights reserved.
Liturgical Music
Official texts
- Introit:
- Misereris omnium [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.62]
- Misereris omnium [Gregorian Missal, p.292]
- Misereris omnium (Robert Hugill)
- Misereris omnium ATBB (Robert Hugill)
- Miserere mei Domine [Graduale simplex 2007, p.82]
- Have mercy on Me (George Alexander McFarren)
- Your mercy extends to all things, O Lord [Simple English Propers, p.55 (Adam Bartlett) CMAA]
- Lord, you are merciful to all [Simple Choral Gradual, p.41 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- You are merciful to all, O Lord [ASH WEDNESDAY
Gregorian Chant for the
English Propers of the Mass
Antiphons of the Roman Missal (Columba Kelly OSB) p.1, Mode 1 / OCP]
- Your Mercy extends to all things [Lalemont Propers, p. 38 CCW]
- Your Mercy extends to all things [ Psalm 151 p.125 ( Brian Michael Page) CVM]
- Have mercy on me, O God [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.29, with Psalm 57 / Liturgical Press]
- The days have come [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.30, with Wisdom 11 / Liturgical Press]
- Gradual: Miserere mei Deus, miserere mei
- Miserere mei Deus [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.63]
- Miserere mei Deus [Gregorian Missal, p.230]
- Miserere mei Deus [Graduale simplex 2007, p.83]
- Be merciful to me, O God [Psalm 151 p. 127 (Brian Michael Page) CVM]
- Adiuva nos Deus [Graduale simplex 2007, p.84]
- Psalm 51: Have mercy on me, O God [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.31 / Liturgical Press]
- Responsorial Psalm: Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned
- Psalm 151 p. 126 (Brian Michael Page) CVM
- Chabanel Psalmody
- Jogues Illuminated Missal: Organist / Vocalist
- Royce Nickel: Organist / Vocalist
- Arlene Oost-Zinner: Vocalist
- Richard Rice Vocalist
- Bruce Ford: Vocalist
- Aristotle Esguerra: Vocalist
- Richard J Clark: Vocalist
- Sam Schmitt: Organist/Vocalist
- Justin Berg: Vocalist Antiphon
- Fr Jeffery Keys Vocalist Antiphon
- In Honour of Pope St. Peter: Organist Part 1, Part 2, Alternate Key Vocalist
- In Honour of St Sebastien: Refrain Organ, Verses Organ, Vocalist
- Tractus: Domine non secondum peccata nostra,
- Domine non secundum [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.64]
- Domine non secundum [Gregorian Missal, p.231]
- Lord do not requite us according to the sins [Psalm 151 p.126 ( Brian Michael Page) CVM]
- Adiuva nos Deus [Graduale simplex 2007, p.85]
- Psalm 79: Help us, O God of our salvation [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.32 / Liturgical Press]
- Help us, O God of our salvation [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.33 / Liturgical Press]
- Gospel Acclamation: If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.
- Psalm 151 p. 128 ( Brian Michael Page) CVM
- From Mass Of Ambrose (Tom Bonezzi)
- Kate Keefe ( Music For Mass in Canada)
- Fr. Andris Solis: Lenten Gospel Acclamations
- Blessing & Distribution of Ashes:
- Immutemur habitu [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.65]
- Immutemur habitu [Gregorian Missal, p.234]
- Iuxta vestibulum [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.65]
- Iuxta vestibulum [Gregorian Missal, p.234]
- Emendemus in melius [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.66]
- Emendemus in melius [Gregorian Missal, p.235]
- Dele Domine [Graduale simplex 2007, p.86]
- Emendemus in melius
- William Byrd SATTB
- Baldassare Donato SAATB or SATTB (Substitutes verse from Ps. 105/106)
- Andrea Gabrieli ATTBBB
- Nicolas Gombert SATTB
- Orlando di Lasso SATTB also arr. SATB
- Pierre de Manchicourt SAATB or STTBarB (Substitutes verse from Ps. 105/106)
- Tiburtio Massaino SSATTB
- Cristóbal de Morales ATTBB or SAATB (Substitutes verse from Psalm 3)
- Andrea Rota SATTB
- Jean Richafort ATTB (Substitutes verse from Ps. 105/106)
- Ludovico Spontoni SATB.AATB (Substitutes gloriam for honorem in Psalm 78/79)
- Ascanio Trombetti SATTT
- Immutemur habitu
- Cristóbal de Morales
- José Maurício Nunes Garcia (Immutemur only) SATB
- Jeffrey Quick — Immutemur habitu
- Come back to the Lord [Simple Choral Gradual, p.42 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- Let the priests and ministers of the Lord [Simple Choral Gradual, p.42 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- Lord, take away our wickedness [Simple Choral Gradual, p.43 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- Turn to us with mercy, Lord [Simple Choral Gradual, p.44 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- Parce Domine with Psalm 51 [Psalm 151 p.130 (Brian Michael Page) CVM]
- Take away, O God, my wickedness [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.33, with Psalm 51 / Liturgical Press]
- Offertory:
- Exaltabo te [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.313]
- Exaltabo te [Gregorian Missal, p.236]
- Factus est adiutor [Graduale simplex 2007, p.88]
- Exaltabo te
- Richard Eldon Barber S solo with keyboard
- Giovanni Battista Casali SATB
- Giovanni Croce SATB
- Andreas Hakenberger SATB.SATB
- Orlando di Lasso
- Domenico Mazzocchi ST & bc.
- Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina SATTB
- Giovanni Rovetta SATB & (independent) bc.
- Alessandro Scarlatti SATB
- I will extol you, O Lord [Simple English Propers, p.56 (Adam Bartlett) CMAA]
- O Lord, I cried to you for help [Simple Choral Gradual, p.44 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- I will extol you, O Lord with Psalm 30 [Psalm 151 p.131 ( Brian Michael Page) CVM]
- The Lord has come to help me [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.35, with Psalm 30 / Liturgical Press]
- Communion:
- Qui meditabitur [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.67]
- Qui meditabitur [Gregorian Missal, p.237]
- Qui meditabitur [Communio, p.216 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- Da nobis Domine [Graduale simplex 2007, p.88]
- He who meditates day and night [Simple English Propers, p.57 (Adam Bartlett) CMAA]
- The man who meditates day and night [Simple Choral Gradual, p.45 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- He who ponders the law [Laudate Dominum Communion Antiphons (Andrew Motyka)]
- He who ponders the law of the Lord [Saint Meinrad Antiphons for the Church Year (Columba Kelly OSB) p.16, Mode 3 / OCP]
- O give us, Lord, your help [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.36, with Psalm 60 / Liturgical Press]]
- Mass settings:
- Latin Chant Mass XVII (Adventus et Quadragesimæ) [Graduale Romanum 1979 p. 764 766]
- Missa In Feriis Adventus et Quadragesimie et ad Missam Pro Defunctus [Graduale Romanum 1979, p. 767-68]
- Introit:
- Misereris omnium [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.62]
- Misereris omnium [Gregorian Missal, p.292]
- Misereris omnium (Robert Hugill)
- Misereris omnium ATBB (Robert Hugill)
- Miserere mei Domine [Graduale simplex 2007, p.82]
- Have mercy on Me (George Alexander McFarren)
- Your mercy extends to all things, O Lord [Simple English Propers, p.55 (Adam Bartlett) CMAA]
- Lord, you are merciful to all [Simple Choral Gradual, p.41 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- You are merciful to all, O Lord [ASH WEDNESDAY Gregorian Chant for the English Propers of the Mass Antiphons of the Roman Missal (Columba Kelly OSB) p.1, Mode 1 / OCP]
- Your Mercy extends to all things [Lalemont Propers, p. 38 CCW]
- Your Mercy extends to all things [ Psalm 151 p.125 ( Brian Michael Page) CVM]
- Have mercy on me, O God [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.29, with Psalm 57 / Liturgical Press]
- The days have come [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.30, with Wisdom 11 / Liturgical Press]
- Gradual: Miserere mei Deus, miserere mei
- Miserere mei Deus [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.63]
- Miserere mei Deus [Gregorian Missal, p.230]
- Miserere mei Deus [Graduale simplex 2007, p.83]
- Be merciful to me, O God [Psalm 151 p. 127 (Brian Michael Page) CVM]
- Adiuva nos Deus [Graduale simplex 2007, p.84]
- Psalm 51: Have mercy on me, O God [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.31 / Liturgical Press]
- Responsorial Psalm: Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned
- Psalm 151 p. 126 (Brian Michael Page) CVM
- Chabanel Psalmody
- Jogues Illuminated Missal: Organist / Vocalist
- Royce Nickel: Organist / Vocalist
- Arlene Oost-Zinner: Vocalist
- Richard Rice Vocalist
- Bruce Ford: Vocalist
- Aristotle Esguerra: Vocalist
- Richard J Clark: Vocalist
- Sam Schmitt: Organist/Vocalist
- Justin Berg: Vocalist Antiphon
- Fr Jeffery Keys Vocalist Antiphon
- In Honour of Pope St. Peter: Organist Part 1, Part 2, Alternate Key Vocalist
- In Honour of St Sebastien: Refrain Organ, Verses Organ, Vocalist
- Tractus: Domine non secondum peccata nostra,
- Domine non secundum [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.64]
- Domine non secundum [Gregorian Missal, p.231]
- Lord do not requite us according to the sins [Psalm 151 p.126 ( Brian Michael Page) CVM]
- Adiuva nos Deus [Graduale simplex 2007, p.85]
- Psalm 79: Help us, O God of our salvation [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.32 / Liturgical Press]
- Help us, O God of our salvation [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.33 / Liturgical Press]
- Gospel Acclamation: If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.
- Psalm 151 p. 128 ( Brian Michael Page) CVM
- From Mass Of Ambrose (Tom Bonezzi)
- Kate Keefe ( Music For Mass in Canada)
- Fr. Andris Solis: Lenten Gospel Acclamations
- Blessing & Distribution of Ashes:
- Immutemur habitu [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.65]
- Immutemur habitu [Gregorian Missal, p.234]
- Iuxta vestibulum [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.65]
- Iuxta vestibulum [Gregorian Missal, p.234]
- Emendemus in melius [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.66]
- Emendemus in melius [Gregorian Missal, p.235]
- Dele Domine [Graduale simplex 2007, p.86]
- Emendemus in melius
- William Byrd SATTB
- Baldassare Donato SAATB or SATTB (Substitutes verse from Ps. 105/106)
- Andrea Gabrieli ATTBBB
- Nicolas Gombert SATTB
- Orlando di Lasso SATTB also arr. SATB
- Pierre de Manchicourt SAATB or STTBarB (Substitutes verse from Ps. 105/106)
- Tiburtio Massaino SSATTB
- Cristóbal de Morales ATTBB or SAATB (Substitutes verse from Psalm 3)
- Andrea Rota SATTB
- Jean Richafort ATTB (Substitutes verse from Ps. 105/106)
- Ludovico Spontoni SATB.AATB (Substitutes gloriam for honorem in Psalm 78/79)
- Ascanio Trombetti SATTT
- Immutemur habitu
- Cristóbal de Morales
- José Maurício Nunes Garcia (Immutemur only) SATB
- Jeffrey Quick — Immutemur habitu
- Come back to the Lord [Simple Choral Gradual, p.42 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- Let the priests and ministers of the Lord [Simple Choral Gradual, p.42 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- Lord, take away our wickedness [Simple Choral Gradual, p.43 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- Turn to us with mercy, Lord [Simple Choral Gradual, p.44 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- Parce Domine with Psalm 51 [Psalm 151 p.130 (Brian Michael Page) CVM]
- Take away, O God, my wickedness [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.33, with Psalm 51 / Liturgical Press]
- Offertory:
- Exaltabo te [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.313]
- Exaltabo te [Gregorian Missal, p.236]
- Factus est adiutor [Graduale simplex 2007, p.88]
- Exaltabo te
- Richard Eldon Barber S solo with keyboard
- Giovanni Battista Casali SATB
- Giovanni Croce SATB
- Andreas Hakenberger SATB.SATB
- Orlando di Lasso
- Domenico Mazzocchi ST & bc.
- Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina SATTB
- Giovanni Rovetta SATB & (independent) bc.
- Alessandro Scarlatti SATB
- I will extol you, O Lord [Simple English Propers, p.56 (Adam Bartlett) CMAA]
- O Lord, I cried to you for help [Simple Choral Gradual, p.44 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- I will extol you, O Lord with Psalm 30 [Psalm 151 p.131 ( Brian Michael Page) CVM]
- The Lord has come to help me [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.35, with Psalm 30 / Liturgical Press]
- Communion:
- Qui meditabitur [Graduale Romanum 1979, p.67]
- Qui meditabitur [Gregorian Missal, p.237]
- Qui meditabitur [Communio, p.216 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- Da nobis Domine [Graduale simplex 2007, p.88]
- He who meditates day and night [Simple English Propers, p.57 (Adam Bartlett) CMAA]
- The man who meditates day and night [Simple Choral Gradual, p.45 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- He who ponders the law [Laudate Dominum Communion Antiphons (Andrew Motyka)]
- He who ponders the law of the Lord [Saint Meinrad Antiphons for the Church Year (Columba Kelly OSB) p.16, Mode 3 / OCP]
- O give us, Lord, your help [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.36, with Psalm 60 / Liturgical Press]]
- Mass settings:
- Latin Chant Mass XVII (Adventus et Quadragesimæ) [Graduale Romanum 1979 p. 764 766]
- Missa In Feriis Adventus et Quadragesimie et ad Missam Pro Defunctus [Graduale Romanum 1979, p. 767-68]
- Again We Keep This Solemn Fast (CBWIII)
- Hear Our Entreaties, Lord (AH #366,)
- Lord Jesus, Think on Me (AH #364)
- O Merciful Redeemer (CBW #484)
- O Sun of Justice (CBWIII)
- Out of the Depths (CBW #488)
- AH = The Adoremus Hymnal, Ignatius Press
- CBW = Catholic Book of Worship II / Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
- CPDL= Choral Public Domain Library
- Again We Keep This Solemn Fast (CBWIII)
- Hear Our Entreaties, Lord (AH #366,)
- Lord Jesus, Think on Me (AH #364)
- O Merciful Redeemer (CBW #484)
- O Sun of Justice (CBWIII)
- Out of the Depths (CBW #488)
- AH = The Adoremus Hymnal, Ignatius Press
- CBW = Catholic Book of Worship II / Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
- CPDL= Choral Public Domain Library
Choral Music
- Attende Domine
- Gregorian chant
- "Hear us, O Lord" English text
- Christoph Dalitz two equal voices, refrain only
- Carlotta Ferrari refrain only
- Mariano Garau SATB
- Tyler Rusco S/ATB
- Catuí Côrte-Real Suarez ATB
- Audi benigne Conditor
- Guillaume Dufay ATB
- Oliver Hayes SATB (
- Johann Stadlmayr SATB (odd verses)
- Stanislav Surin Unison (strophic)
- Delfino Thermignon SSA (odd verses)
- even verses)
- Orlando di Lasso SATBB (a different version, see page)
- Nicolas Merques ATT (first verse)
- Giovanni Maria Nanino SATB (odd verses)
- Other Settings not in above list
- Jan Le Febure — Audi benigne conditor
- Orlando di Lasso — Audi benigne conditor a 4
- Giovanni Bonaventura Matucci — Audi benigne conditor
- Catuí Côrte-Real Suarez — Audi benigne
- Filippo Vitale — Audi benigne conditor
- Ave verum
- Gregorian Chant, unison
- Johann Sebastian Bach, contrafactum of BWV 147. SATB & orchestra
- Giulio Bentivoglio SSA & ATB
- Mel Bonis, SATB
- Luigi Bordèse, SA, piano or organ
- Dominico Brunetti, SSAATTB or SAATTBB, a cappella
- William Byrd, ATBB or SATB, a cappella
- Giacomo Carissimi, SATB
- Jean de Castro, ST, a cappella
- Ottavio Catalani, SSATB or AATTB
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier
- Jacobus Clemens non Papa SATTB (through "…examine."}
- Antonio Cosimetti, SSAATTBB
- Christoph Dalitz, SSA, TTB, or SATB, organ
- Frédéric Debons SAB
- Johan De Wael, SATB, a cappella or organ
- Michael J. Drake, Jr., SATB, a capella
- Edward Elgar, SATB with soprano solo, organ
- Gabriel Fauré, SA or TB, organ
- Mariano Garau
- Charles H. Giffen, SSATBB, a cappella
- Charles Gounod (disambiguation page)
- SATB (E-flat, C-slash) with organ
- CG 557 (G major, C), S or T solo, organ
- Chants sacrés, contains 3 settings for solo voice and organ
- CG 92 (a minor, 3/4, S or T solo, organ
- (B-flat, 3/4)
- (C major, C)
- Motets, contains an F major 3/4 setting for 2 voices and organ
- Alexandre Guilmant, SATB, organ
- Georges Guiraud, SB with organ
- Josquin des Prez
- à 3, SAT, a cappella
- à 5, SATTB, a cappella
- Charles Hiestand, SATB, a cappella
- Torben Klaes, SATB, basso continuo
- Jehan L'Heritier, SATBB or STTBB, a cappella
- Orlando di Lasso, SSATTB, a cappella
- Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens
- Franz Liszt, SATB, a cappella
- Gonçalo Lourenço, SAATTBB, a cappella
- Nycholas Maia, SATB, a cappella
- Jorge Moreira, SATB, a cappella
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, SATB (also SSAA, TTBB arrangements), strings and organ continuo
- Michael J. Oczko, SATB with solo soprano, a cappella
- Paolo Pandolfo, SATB, organ
- Susan Partlan, SATB, a cappella
- Robert Lucas de Pearsall, SATB, a cappella
- Francisco de Peñalosa, SATB, a cappella
- Lorenzo Perosi, AB, organ
- Pascal Picard
- Peter Philips, SSATB, a cappella
- Francis Poulenc, SSA, a cappella
- Josef Rheinberger, SATB, a cappella
- Gene Ryan, SATB, a cappella
- Camille Saint-Saëns
- in D major for SSAA
- in E-flat for SATB, a cappella
- Oscar Santos, SSATB
- Fábio Soldá, SATB, string ensemble or piano
- Jef Tinel, SATB
- Enrico Vercesi, SATB, string quartet, oboe
- Ludovico da Viadana, TTBB, a cappella
- Samuel Webbe, SA, organ
- Da nobis, Domine (Gregorian chant) [Graduale simplex 2007,, p.88]
- Have Mercy upon Me (Thomas Tomkins)
- In jejunio et fleta (Thomas Tallis)
- Inter vestibulum et altare
- Rodrigo de Ceballos SATB
- Cristóbal de Morales SATB The model for Guerrero's Missa Inter vestibulum. The motet Immutemur habitu/Juxta vestibulum is no longer attributed to Morales.
- José Maurício Nunes Garcia SATB (alternative last line)
- Giacomo Antonio Perti SATB
- O Lord, Thou Hast Searched Me (William Croft
- Parce Domine
- Psalm 1 (Thomas Tallis)
- Take Up Thy Cross, the Saviour Said (Anonymous)
- Attende Domine
- Gregorian chant
- "Hear us, O Lord" English text
- Christoph Dalitz two equal voices, refrain only
- Carlotta Ferrari refrain only
- Mariano Garau SATB
- Tyler Rusco S/ATB
- Catuí Côrte-Real Suarez ATB
- Audi benigne Conditor
- Guillaume Dufay ATB
- Oliver Hayes SATB (
- Johann Stadlmayr SATB (odd verses)
- Stanislav Surin Unison (strophic)
- Delfino Thermignon SSA (odd verses)
- even verses)
- Orlando di Lasso SATBB (a different version, see page)
- Nicolas Merques ATT (first verse)
- Giovanni Maria Nanino SATB (odd verses)
- Other Settings not in above list
- Jan Le Febure — Audi benigne conditor
- Orlando di Lasso — Audi benigne conditor a 4
- Giovanni Bonaventura Matucci — Audi benigne conditor
- Catuí Côrte-Real Suarez — Audi benigne
- Filippo Vitale — Audi benigne conditor
- Ave verum
- Gregorian Chant, unison
- Johann Sebastian Bach, contrafactum of BWV 147. SATB & orchestra
- Giulio Bentivoglio SSA & ATB
- Mel Bonis, SATB
- Luigi Bordèse, SA, piano or organ
- Dominico Brunetti, SSAATTB or SAATTBB, a cappella
- William Byrd, ATBB or SATB, a cappella
- Giacomo Carissimi, SATB
- Jean de Castro, ST, a cappella
- Ottavio Catalani, SSATB or AATTB
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier
- Jacobus Clemens non Papa SATTB (through "…examine."}
- Antonio Cosimetti, SSAATTBB
- Christoph Dalitz, SSA, TTB, or SATB, organ
- Frédéric Debons SAB
- Johan De Wael, SATB, a cappella or organ
- Michael J. Drake, Jr., SATB, a capella
- Edward Elgar, SATB with soprano solo, organ
- Gabriel Fauré, SA or TB, organ
- Mariano Garau
- Charles H. Giffen, SSATBB, a cappella
- Charles Gounod (disambiguation page)
- SATB (E-flat, C-slash) with organ
- CG 557 (G major, C), S or T solo, organ
- Chants sacrés, contains 3 settings for solo voice and organ
- CG 92 (a minor, 3/4, S or T solo, organ
- (B-flat, 3/4)
- (C major, C)
- Motets, contains an F major 3/4 setting for 2 voices and organ
- Alexandre Guilmant, SATB, organ
- Georges Guiraud, SB with organ
- Josquin des Prez
- à 3, SAT, a cappella
- à 5, SATTB, a cappella
- Charles Hiestand, SATB, a cappella
- Torben Klaes, SATB, basso continuo
- Jehan L'Heritier, SATBB or STTBB, a cappella
- Orlando di Lasso, SSATTB, a cappella
- Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens
- Franz Liszt, SATB, a cappella
- Gonçalo Lourenço, SAATTBB, a cappella
- Nycholas Maia, SATB, a cappella
- Jorge Moreira, SATB, a cappella
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, SATB (also SSAA, TTBB arrangements), strings and organ continuo
- Michael J. Oczko, SATB with solo soprano, a cappella
- Paolo Pandolfo, SATB, organ
- Susan Partlan, SATB, a cappella
- Robert Lucas de Pearsall, SATB, a cappella
- Francisco de Peñalosa, SATB, a cappella
- Lorenzo Perosi, AB, organ
- Pascal Picard
- Peter Philips, SSATB, a cappella
- Francis Poulenc, SSA, a cappella
- Josef Rheinberger, SATB, a cappella
- Gene Ryan, SATB, a cappella
- Camille Saint-Saëns
- in D major for SSAA
- in E-flat for SATB, a cappella
- Oscar Santos, SSATB
- Fábio Soldá, SATB, string ensemble or piano
- Jef Tinel, SATB
- Enrico Vercesi, SATB, string quartet, oboe
- Ludovico da Viadana, TTBB, a cappella
- Samuel Webbe, SA, organ
- Da nobis, Domine (Gregorian chant) [Graduale simplex 2007,, p.88]
- Have Mercy upon Me (Thomas Tomkins)
- In jejunio et fleta (Thomas Tallis)
- Inter vestibulum et altare
- Rodrigo de Ceballos SATB
- Cristóbal de Morales SATB The model for Guerrero's Missa Inter vestibulum. The motet Immutemur habitu/Juxta vestibulum is no longer attributed to Morales.
- José Maurício Nunes Garcia SATB (alternative last line)
- Giacomo Antonio Perti SATB
- O Lord, Thou Hast Searched Me (William Croft
- Parce Domine
- Psalm 1 (Thomas Tallis)
- Take Up Thy Cross, the Saviour Said (Anonymous)
Organ Music
- Rubrics indicate that the organ remain silent during Lent, except on Lætare Sunday or on other solemnities or festive days or at any time to accompany singing. Hence organ preludes and postludes should not be played (except on Lætare Sunday).
- Rubrics indicate that the organ remain silent during Lent, except on Lætare Sunday or on other solemnities or festive days or at any time to accompany singing. Hence organ preludes and postludes should not be played (except on Lætare Sunday).
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